Jules Duboscq
Louis Jules Duboscq (1817 - 1886) was born in France. In 1839 he married a daughter of Jean-Baptiste-François Soleil, an optics maker and later succeeded his father-in-law in running a part of his business.
In 1850 Jules Duboscq made the first stereoscopes to the design of David Brewster. It is those stereoscopes that made stereography so popular in Europe, North America and around the world.
In 1851 Duboscq took part in the Great Exhibition where he exhibited "a stereoscope, to show the complimentary colours of Brewster". At the Exhibition one​ of the stereoscopes made by Duboscq was presented by David Brewster to Queen Victoria.
After the Exhibition Dobscq started receiving orders for his stereoscope from England. Thus in January 1852 Duboscq delivered a lot of 25 stereoscopes to Antoine Claudet for sale in London.
Duboscq continued to be one of the premier suppliers of stereoscopes throughout the 1850s. His stereoscopes would initially be sold along with stereoviews from Claude-Marie Ferrier, although later their partnership soured due to financial difficulties of Duboscq.