Claude-Marie Ferrier
Claude-Marie Ferrier (1811 - 1889) was born in the city of Lyon, in France. By 1851 he already settled in Paris and was considered a very able photographer. It is Ferrier who is credited with creating the first glass stereoviews for the Brewster stereoscope.
After stereoviews became enormously popular, Ferrier launched several series of stereoviews of France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Greece (1857), Turkey (1857), etc. In the beginning he was selling he stereoviews along with the stereoscopes of Duboscq (who, in return, was able to sell the stereoviews of Ferrier). Later, their relationship broke down due to financial difficulties of Duboscq. This did not stop Ferrier from becoming one of the most successful photographers and publishers of stereoviews.
In 1859 Ferrier joined forces with another successful stereo photographer, Charles Soulier. Their firm accumulated most, of what the best French stereoview masters had accumulated by that time.
In 1863 Ferrier and Soulier sold their business to Moyse Leon and Isaac (Georges) Levy. The family of Leon and Levy owned the business into the second decade of the XXth century.
As for Ferrier, he continued to be a photographer of grand standing, although not in the field of stereography.
Claude-Marie Ferrier died on July 13th, 1889.

Source gallica.bnf.fr / BnF